2019 goals

Hi! How are you? Me, I’m great. After some reflection about how bummed I am to see 2018 go, I felt instantly rejuvenated and ready for 2019. My running coach and I met up yesterday and I’m looking forward to what we talked about as my 2019 map. I feel good about my choices to decide what events to race and set as goals, while having a healthy mix of fun races. I love going to races and running with my friends!

Here’s an overview. I’ll definitely write more during my 2019 training! 3 running goals:

  • I am going to PR my half time. I AM GOING TO DO IT DAMNIT. I set that PR May, 2016 and I am DYING TO BREAK IT. Whenever the memory on Facebook comes up about it, I get fired up and determined to do it. 2:26:01 was what I set. I ran that half so fast that I thought I had missed a mile of the race because the half I had run 3 months earlier had a finishing time of 2:37. I have my goal race at present to do that at is the Eugene half marathon. I don’t know if I have it in me to do it then, but I will never know if I don’t try. The event is 17 weeks away. If I go for that goal and I miss it, I have a second half marathon I am not currently registered for but lined up a few months later I am willing to go for it again at.
  • I am going to be very transparent about this goal as I tackle it this year. I want this goal more than I want any other goal I have set for 2019, or have ever set in general. I know it’s going to be A CHALLENGE and force me to work REALLY HARD. It will be about running well, eating right and continuing my strength training. I am DETERMINED.

    You guys, I don’t think my words convey how much I want this goal…. but I think you get the point

    Become an Ultramarathon runner! I am registered for the Brazen Racing Dirty Dozen 12 hour endurance race in July 6th and intend to run 50k, which is 31 miles at that event. I would need to maintain a 23 minute/mile pace to do so. I ran the 6 hour event last year so I have a decent idea of what to expect!

    Coach Patrick informed me that training for an ultra is different than anything I’ve trained for. Will involve double weekend runs to acclimate my legs to running while tired. Will be a new challenge but fun!

    Come in under the 6 hour official finishing time at CIM. Every year I’ve run CIM I have been over the 6 hour limit. I’ve still gotten an official finishing time and medal and it’s been great! This is actually in my mind, a subset of PRing my half time. If I can get a faster half time, I can certainly get a faster marathon time. I now feel like I have a good grasp on the CIM course and how to pace myself during it. This isn’t until December so it’s much farther down the line, but still fun to think about!

    Well those are my running goals for 2019! Do you have any goals for 2019? What are they?

    Cheers to goals!


    One thought on “2019 goals

    1. You have some amazing goals. 31 miles!! Yikes. I just started running this past fall. I was walking 3 miles everyday, but then my weight loss stalled. I started by walking 3 minutes and running one minute. Now I run 1.5 miles everyday. My 2019 goal is to get to 3 miles by this summer. I seem to be stuck now. I can’t do another step more than 1.65 on a good day. But I love your posts they’re very positive and inspiring.


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